《蕾梦娜和姐姐》中姐姐说”他们并不真正了解我,整个学校只有一个人真正了解我。honry用了15年,谁还会浪费这么长时间来了解我?“ 一个人的生命中,有几个2年,3年,5年,15年可以用来开始了却结束再去另外重新开始呢。
写于 2012年8月26日
这部电影说的是一个极具创意和创造力的小孩雷蒙娜,她总是不按常理出牌,鼓励爸爸做自己喜欢的事当成工作,和爸爸画了一幅超长的话,想两只脚分别踏在两个州,得知爸爸失业后去卖饮料洗车赚钱,但这些不遵循常规常常给别人带来麻烦,让人觉得是个小麻烦,但最后也是因为她,她的阿姨找到了幸福,爸爸找到了满意的工作,家人老师都对她刮目相看。看完觉得小孩的天性和创造力真的要好好保护,每一个孩子都是一个小天使,谁知道会给我们带来什么惊喜呢。小女孩的扮演者叫Joey king,记住了,哈哈。姐姐是赛琳娜哦。
Every ugly duckling in this world has a princess dream without any exception for Ramona.
She's ordinary. Like most people, the real princess Susan in her class arouses her much fondness that cannot help touching her hair. Meanwhile, she's so envied by her beauty and popularity among the class as well as the adult's world that muttered about Susan's mother being the agent for their house's sale. Born in a common American family, Ramona has an elder sister almost better at anything than her. Her father lost his job due to the financial crisis which also caused her mother great pressure. Such situation is an everyday occurrence.
She's unordinary. Ramona's world is much beyond the common people's. Along the way she walked away from home, she passed through Manhattan Island, Eiffel Tower and Pyramid. In her world, there's no "president of world " that in control of that people can't say words like terrifical or funner that against the common grammar rules. In her world, with the small action done on her own, the difference will consequently made to her family's crisis, both on financial and marriage.
Lives of most people on the earth don't differ that much from each other as we used to consider. The story dating back to half a century years ago is still capable to us being touched. After all, the most occurrences we faced with are not rare at all; neither are the emotions aroused by those occurrences strong enough to the standard of the question: to be or not to be. It looks so boring and nothing special. However similar lives we live, we can somehow find our own way of joy. It's love sheds light on the stereotyped life and make difference to us all.
Ramona's purely love and curiosity towards life make her world full of fun. Beezus's love towards Henry makes her teenage dream come true. Dad's love towards the two little girl makes her vice president life not that boring. Auntie's love springing from the teenage time leads her to the entrenched love set in the adult's reality world. And everyone's love towards the whole family helps them all survive the crisis and move on happily ever after. Only with love can we make a difference to our life, uniquely joyfully.
我就是容易中这种电影的毒,我爱它温馨而又并不故作高深,我爱它简单纯真能勾得人会心一笑,爱它能让我突然感动得一塌糊涂。电影里每个主演配角都很讨我喜欢,配乐也恰到好处。Joey King不管捣蛋调皮还是开心幸福都让人感觉好萌;Selena Gomez也是越长越水灵。★★★★
陷入金融危机后的典型美国家庭,只不过这一次笑声更多、希望更多、心情更美好。小女孩很灵,仿似看到《My Little Sunshine》~
刚看完4G的720P和完美中英字幕,发觉评分人数还未100人,现在的人真是忙这么一部温馨和谐养眼的happy family film竟然被人所遗漏,而跑去投1星给所谓的"全城戒备、苏乞儿"。哎...
Joey King太可爱了!这简直就是一部淘气版的【阳光小美女】,小美女更漂亮,制作更精良而已。这个直流的合家欢剧情设置受电影营销支配,有利有弊,但利的是它适合所有人!你保准会爱死Joey King!★★★☆
孩子的想象力天马行空,joey king 古灵精怪。
故事是这样的:欲望都市之后,Adam和Natasha走到了一起,他们有了三枚很萌的萝莉和一只猫。其中,那枚名为Ramona的姑娘还有娜塔莉波曼的影子。另外,Gigi在经历了He is just not that into u的各种杯具之后,终于重拾了MR. RIGHT神马的!XD