

主演:麦肯锡·克鲁克,蒂埃里·威肯斯,英迪娅·布朗,托比·琼斯,Bill Bailey,Nneka Okoye,史蒂夫·佩姆伯顿,萝西·凯弗利洛,薇琪·佩珀代因







  ①Guy Forks:  Guy Forks takes place on the build-up to bonfire night in Scatterbrook, where Worzel finds himself in peril after an argument results in him agreeing to swap jobs with his cousin, a Guy Fawkes effigy.  With The Bonfire Night Committee distracted, Guy convinces Worzel to swap places, but it soon becomes clear that Worzel has bitten off more than he can chew. With Worzel stuck on top of the bonfire, John and Susan turn to Aunt Sally for help, but can they find a way to rescue Worzel before time runs out?  ②Twitchers:  Twitchers, sees a flock of rare birds arrive on Scatterbook Farm, giving Worzel an opportunity to challenge his scaring skills, but those plans are quickly ruined when a group of birdwatchers move in.  o make matters worse, the twitchers’ arrival forces Mr B to come to face to face with his old birdwatching rival, Lee Dangerman. With the twitchers refusing to leave, can the children come up with a plan to help scare the choughs and save Worzel and Mr B from embarrassment?  ③Calliope Jane  Calliope Jane will see FR Peregrine’s travelling fair arrive in Scatterbrook, which Worzel desperately wants to attend but can’t risk being seen by the humans of the village.  So, he seeks out a magical organ which legend says has the power to send humans to sleep, allowing scarecrows to enjoy everything the funfair has to offer.  At the museum, Aunt Sally finds herself agreeing to go on an adventure with another ex-fairground attraction, Calliope Jane, and it turns out Worzel isn’t the only scarecrow who wants to attend the fair… As the scarecrows descend, the risk of being seen intensifies, but will the legend of the enchanted organ turn out to be true?婉婉如梦霄零一年唐顿庄园 第四季王者天下2神圣十月王中王独立纵队2燃烧吧!废柴!2021圣女的魔力是万能的第二季高个儿孤胆英雄(国语版)天狗黄金缘挑战巅峰国语版星之金币续集傻冒经理霍比特人3:五军之战(普通话)江湖了断粤语九品芝麻官飞上长空东经北纬铁在烧2015八墓村花生酱猎鹰星星的房子国语冬候鸟香水约会大作战第五季不可思议的杰西卡·詹姆斯真凶标签周刊追求之人物档案水与糖:摄影家卡洛·迪·帕尔马的生活与色彩太空堡垒卡拉狄加:计划独角兽商店热带鱼 熱帶魚校园鬼七个秘书电影版解剖之美拥抱小熊猫:青春变形记背后的故事小哥斯拉的逆袭新熟女时代麻雀变王妃2午夜幽灵超时空鉴定窦天宝传奇古剑奇谭




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