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万福玛丽亚 剧照 NO.1万福玛丽亚 剧照 NO.2万福玛丽亚 剧照 NO.3万福玛丽亚 剧照 NO.4万福玛丽亚 剧照 NO.5万福玛丽亚 剧照 NO.6万福玛丽亚 剧照 NO.13万福玛丽亚 剧照 NO.14万福玛丽亚 剧照 NO.15万福玛丽亚 剧照 NO.16万福玛丽亚 剧照 NO.17万福玛丽亚 剧照 NO.18万福玛丽亚 剧照 NO.19万福玛丽亚 剧照 NO.20


18岁的少女玛利亚(凯特琳娜•桑迪诺•莫雷诺 Catalina Sandino Moreno 饰)辞掉了花场的工作,又发现自己怀孕,跟男友意见不合只得分手。玛利亚和朋友布兰卡得到了一份新工作——走私毒品到美国,玛利亚在高额的酬金下决定接下此活,由此认识了老手露西,并练习吞食毒品,朋友布兰卡得知后也执意要做。在机场,玛利亚被扣下检查,因为身孕才得以脱身。三人被接走后顺利交货,当晚,玛利亚发现露西因药丸在胃里破裂被毒贩杀害,当即将和布兰卡带走了毒品。为了帮助露西,玛利亚根据她留下的信息找到了她姐姐卡拉家。一次两人不小心在中介费尔南多眼里泄露了身份,她们只好向毒贩交出了毒品,拿钱之后布兰卡踏上了回程,而在检票口,玛利亚却转身走了......热播电视剧最新电影深海历险记路易·C·K 二〇一七卡尔的约会三笑之才子佳人魔表临界区域热血新仔2小鬼遇到兵乡村牧师日记地球热带岛屿之旅远古外星人第二季金色池塘鬼猛腳第三颗星新妈妈再爱我一次命案你的世界如果没有我魔法使的新娘第二季女孩向前冲!沉默的证人(国语版)天赐宝贝生命2006最短的距离是圆的宫藏挚爱


 1 ) 薄命佳人

最近看过三部电影,表面上非常不同,却又不得不让人联系到一处。《万福玛丽亚》(Maria, Full of Grace)说的是哥伦比亚少女铤而走险,偷运毒品到美国的故事。 偷运的方法是将毒品包裹起来,吞下去,倘若不小心,毒品破裂,立即就会死人。整个过程几死几生,不过还好,最后有惊无险,马里亚留到了纽约,面向一个完全未知的未来,因为回头无岸,有的只是无边的绝望。




最悲惨的是柬埔寨的影片《插田人》(Rice People)。片中说的一户人家,只有一个男丁,却在犁田的时候踩中刺中毒身亡。种植和养家的压力几乎是灭顶的,让这个守寡的母亲神志不清。最让人感叹的还是下一代的命运,一季水稻还没有插完,父死母疯,大大小小七个女孩在近乎绝望的环境下,以血肉之躯阻挡命运之轮对自己的倾轧。此片画面优美,但人物命运实在悲惨,让人感觉如同十八层地狱,一层层在面前打开。更可怕的是,这不仅仅是电影,它是很多贫困地区女性的写实。








 2 ) A Choice

This is the harrowing story of a (not quite) typical mule: Maria Alvarez (Moreno), an intelligent and fiercely independent 17-year-old girl from Colombia who agrees to smuggle a half-kilo of heroin into the United States.

Walking out of the theatre, I found myself at a loss of words.

What struck me the most about the story was how un-exaggerate everything was. Let it be Maria’s job, her village, or her family. They were portrayed with moderation and care. The result was impressively real and honest. Maria’s job was not uncommon for a third world country’s village girl of 17. I’ve read far worse treatment and horror stories of factory workers in ShenZheng, China. The real evil was in the lack of a choice. All Maria had was the job in the flower factory. It was the only economic opportunity presented to Maria. It was what her family, even her entire village depended on. Sounds familiar? I thought of that British mining town in Billy Elliot.

Like all country girls who rebelled against their fate, Maria made a choice, the same choice all country girls in her shoes made, to go to the city. On her way, she was tempted away from the possibility of becoming a rich family’s maid; instead, she was offered an adventure. Traveling, America, and American dollars added together proven to be too big a temptation to turn down for a rebellious country girl. Was there really a huge difference for her, between pulling thorns off roses and swallowing cocaine pellets and carried them to America? Both were rich people’s merchandises, both were beyond her reach. She was one little link in the economy chain. The latter sounded a lot more exciting than the former, and it would take her beyond the depressing village outside of Bogota. She was, finally, presented a choice.

The subsequent story made me admire Maria’s intelligence and coolness. But it also chilled me to the bone to see how cruel and brutal the drug world was (is).

Would legalizing drugs clean up all these brutality? Would legalizing drugs prevent Maria and her fellow Columbian women from participating in this dark and ugly trade?

If so, then why wouldn’t any country take that step?

“Because drugs are evil and hurt people who use them. How could you legalize something so damaging to our very selves? How could any government give out any signal that drug abuse is ‘legal’, therefore, ‘ok’?”

Because not legalizing it made it worse? Because the huge profit margin is driving the drug trade into a frenzy, and it is killing poor people like Maria left and right? Cigarette is legal, isn’t it? It is harmful to people’s health, too. Why is that okay to endorse but not drugs? Since when human being became such innocent creatures?

“If you legalize drugs, then more people will become drug addicts. That would be disastrous and self-destructive.”

Okay. People have self-destructive tendencies. There are evils in these world, too many. People always have the choice of whether to become drug addicts, just like people have the choice of whether to smoke a cigarette. Are you saying that government has the right to make the choice for its citizens that the government knows what is best? What about education? What about the fittest survive? It is not like I don’t get drug offered when I walk down Telegraph Ave. in Berkeley, it is not like high school kids don’t get drug offers in parties, at playground, on their way to school, anyways. It is happening right now. How much worse could it get? Besides, once it became legal, it could take away the “adventurous lure” it has right now to the rebellious type. Couldn’t it?

Drug abuse is part of modern societies already. We have to deal with it. But if legalizing it could take away the huge profit for the drug lord, then it could reduce their incentive to produce them. It could dry up so many money sources for terrorist groups and anti-government organizations. It could save Maria and girls like her the fate of dying on ruptured cocaine pellets that they carry in their stomach. It could save them from being treated like animals (”mule”), whose stomach was cut open so their cargo could be retrieved. Mule’s life was of no consequence. The dehumanization of Maria and her fellow mules was not caused by drug’s own evil-ness directly. It was made possible by the huge profit of drug trade, and its huge profit came from their illegal status. It was made possible because of human being’s own greed.

If government wants to do good to the society, then it could place the choice into everyone’s own hand. Take away the possibility to make people even more greedy than they already are. Don’t tempt them. Trust them.

In Chinese modern history, there was a much revered national hero, General Lin Zexu. Who initiate the fight against the British in 1840’s. He burned all the opium he could gather in a huge public display. His angry words are still recited in today’s Chinese elementary school classrooms, “Opium is evil, it weakened our people, our soldier, our country…” But the fact was, Chinese society was weakened from inside before opium even appeared. The closed society has been quietly rotten away from top to bottom for centuries. There was little outlet for real talent of the society. There wasn’t much progress happeneing for the society as a whole. Corruptions were prevalent. Opium provided an escape. A dying plant happened upon a killer disease. It was easy to blame the disease. Even though General Lin Zexu won his opium war, the final treaty between the British and the Qin Dynasty turned out to be the first of many humiliating treaties to come in China’s Modern History. Burning Opium didn’t help General Lin’s cause. Burning the entire country might. That was exactly what Chairman Mao tried over a century later.

There is a little analogy in gardening. When a flower attracted diseases, it was often because the plant itself was weak and unhealthy, either from lack of water, light, or too much water, etcetera. To prevent disease from happening, you either make the plant strong and healthy, or you try to shut down all disease sources. The latter has proven to be a harder path. Shutting down flow of air would usually cause more problems to the plant. Exposing the plant to the natural elements was usually more healthy for the plant. As long as the plant was healthy, often it could fight off many diseases using its own strength.

 3 ) 勉强

故事讲述了哥伦比亚的小镇女孩玛丽亚为了寻求生活的改变去美国走私毒品,她的朋友因为体内的毒丸破裂而死亡,玛丽亚帮朋友料理后事后留在了美国。 哥伦比亚的毒品问题从来都不是犯罪那么简单,从最早的战争利益驱使而遗留下来,对某些人而言毒枭甚至是反美的英雄,也是很多穷苦的哥伦比亚人的谋生方式。玛丽亚的故事对哥伦比亚或者说对整个银三角地区以及墨西哥都是社会中的常见的现象。 从电影的角度而言,故事没什么问题,规规矩矩的讲完,就是一部带着地域色彩的现实题材电影。其表达的是在那样的社会之下,哥伦比亚的底层人想要获得机会,离开这样的生活。

 4 ) 善恶之花

《万福玛丽亚》以其冷静克制的风格呈现、内核却是世界性苦难的问题、与金基德残酷外部世界《撒玛利亚的女孩》相比较、影片中的美丽女主角表现出来的沉稳、独立、隐忍、富有同情心等美好品格隐喻着宗教类型的化身,但现实中用身体去贩毒携带出境,用青春的生命去铤而走险,内心萌芽实施的这种恶的走向,人性总是充满着矛盾,电影也真切地表达了这种双重性。 第三世界国家向往的"美国梦",往往就是一场豪赌,生命的赌注新闻报道中整船、整车厢、偷渡窒息死亡的案例世界为之震惊,但还是有人不断地叩响达闯这道鬼门关,《万福玛丽亚》中也是用这样的主题揭露这种丑恶的交易,影片没有用太多残酷的画面来表达,而是通过玛丽亚的经历和内心变化来影射。 导演乔舒亚.马斯顿以拍摄美剧作品而著称:《新闻编辑室》、《扪心问诊》第一季、《柏林情报站》第一季、《傲骨贤妻》第五季、《六尺之下》第五季等都让人津津乐道,电影《骨肉之躯》、《万福玛丽亚》也是他的代表作品。


 5 ) 救赎





 6 ) 想了解墨西哥毒品cartel,看了这部




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