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  Two years have passed since we left Daniele and the ship of madmen.  Many things have changed: Daniele and Nina have become the parents of little Maria and shortly after her birth they separated. We find them fighting for custody of the little girl with the support of their respective, very different families.  Daniele, after the intense experience he had during the CHT week, has chosen to become a nurse and, thanks to the intervention of Dr. Cimaroli, he is about to enter as an intern in the hospital where he was admitted.  He has five weeks to demonstrate to the judge that this can become a stable job, establishing himself as a reliable parent. In this new role, Daniele gets to know the new patients in the dormitory, who force him to reflect on his excessive empathy towards the pain of others, and who risk derailing him again.热播电视剧最新电影杀人不分左右猜拳朗·霍伯的灾难110米栏的天空猫和老鼠(粤语版)奔跑吧!小百合酱破茧腹黑上司我要了天生一对2006我是劫机者私生活鬼马双星国语美人迟暮警探红白黑南家三姐妹甜品别腹像素大战英语决味厨神禁忌女孩2判若云泥凤舞天下祖国第一季死亡夜线蝙蝠侠军团纸婚歌之王子殿下 新剧场版旅人 第一季德云社岳云鹏孙越相声专场深圳站

