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主演:Ella Testa Kusk,Bertil Smith,Mia Lyhne,Martin Buch,Ulf Pilgaard



露西亚的愿望:抢救圣诞节 剧照 NO.1露西亚的愿望:抢救圣诞节 剧照 NO.2露西亚的愿望:抢救圣诞节 剧照 NO.3露西亚的愿望:抢救圣诞节 剧照 NO.4露西亚的愿望:抢救圣诞节 剧照 NO.5露西亚的愿望:抢救圣诞节 剧照 NO.6


  Way up north in Greenland lives 12-year-old Lucia with her mother and her father, who is best known as Father Christmas. Lucia is the first girl ever in Santa class at the international Christmas School. On the day that the present machine is meant to be started for this year's present production, Lucia's best friend, the reindeer herder Oscar, is accused of stealing King Winter's magical crystal that fuels the present machine. Claudia, Lucia's mother who has long been wary of the crude Oscar, tries to prevent Lucia from ruining her future career by defending the seemingly guilty boy. But Lucia is determined to fight injustice and escapes with Oscar to prove his innocence by finding the real thief. Soon they are facing the secret brotherhood of The Grey Monks, who have sworn to destroy the crystal and end Christmas as we know it. And Lucia realizes that there is more at stake than she thought. Lucia and Oscar have to fight the brotherhood for the crystal all the way into the dangerous...热播电视剧最新电影林深见鹿那座城这家人宿敌第一季想品尝一下味道吗?乒乓2017天使之爱巴尔扎克与小裁缝极速大和号战舰之谜扎职2粤语假如时光倒流苦菜花2004啊,荒野 后篇挺住!李波罗羞耻第一季荒野迷案第二季海盗绝命时钟2:22 2:22TheEmpire:法之帝国未坐监 第一季我的青春路过你的锦年大自然的春与秋英雄凌凌GO风在吹




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