美国吸血鬼题材电视剧《真爱如血》前六季都取得非常不错的收视率,HBO电视台随即宣布将续订《真爱如血》第七季,《真爱如血》第七季准备在6月22日晚9:00开播,这也是该剧的告别季,共十集。充满着剧集本身所独特的浪漫、嗜血、悬疑和幽默,一段段激情桥段和最后的爆炸场面让人看的 热血沸腾,对《真爱如血》第七季的期待又进一步的提升。 从HBO早先放出的长达1分半的预告来看,第7季将会充满了各种冲击、矛盾、颠覆和突变。首先,史蒂芬·莫耶饰演的Bill Compton回来了。看起来Bill已经完全从体内排除了“Billith”,以他的原面貌示人;此外,最终究竟谁会赢得Sookie的心,也将是最后一季剧迷们关心的重要问题。会是Alcide么?还是Bill?之前死去的由亚历山大·斯卡斯加德饰演的Eric Northman也将回归,所以这个问题,也将变得扑朔迷离起来……...
热播电视剧最新电影德云社尚九熙郭霄汉相声专场上海站塔罗牌剧集版昆塔:反转星球大熊自然光线埃尔南第一季路易不容易第四季巨大的野兽:全球经济第一季恶魔的请柬:第二章证明我爱你校园哲学家第二季视频恐惧症星际迷航9:起义永远2忠犬奇遇记终有一天会成为最强的炼金术师?爱情交叉点阿金1996医学大联盟安眠书店 第二季精武英雄(粤语版)警部补碓冰弘一MIND洛卡改变世界小早,我啊。这段时间算是“鼓起勇气”把《真爱如血》追完了。为什么说是需要勇气呢,其实这只是看完第一季给我留下的比较特殊的情节的印象。但当你看完整部剧你就会发现,其实正是这些特殊的部分给予了观众心灵上的满足与感动。剧情围绕着人类、吸血鬼、超自然人类为背景进行叙述,不同程度的赋予人物情感纠葛,也以吸血鬼转化、女巫附身、女祭司信仰等悬疑题材满足观众心理。此剧虽为惊悚类型,但爱情却也是本剧中最带给观众的亮点,以刺激情节为背景,穿插爱情内容。本剧以sookie、eric、bill三人为故事主线,小镇上其他人为分线展现爱情、亲情、友情。吸血鬼创造者与被创造者竟然是最让我眼眶湿润的情节,他们虽然失去了曾经身为人类的“心脏”,但他们的情感可以说比人类要丰富复杂许多,他们的创造者可以他们的兄弟,孩子,朋友,父亲,因为是创造者带给了他们第二个人生。《真爱如血Ture Blood》中“Ture”和“Blood”两个单词在我认为意义非凡。追完整季的人可以发现Blood这个单词出现的频率最多,这也说明Blood是引起情感纠葛与情节发展的关键所在,也是最初Bill接近Sookie的真实目的and以研制出新型真血饮料为结局,可以说是做到前后呼应了;而“Ture”,想要表达的则是人物的真情实感:苏琪和祖母的亲情、杰西卡与霍伊特的爱情、苏琪与sam的友情、拉法耶与约瑟的情感…都带给人们最真实的感动。到了第七季的最后一集其实我总会不由自主的怀念最初看剧的那份感觉,却又无法忘却这部剧带给我的惊喜与感动。让我最惊讶的是2008-2014年这部剧的画质还不错,故事内容也不老套,内容毫无违和感,带给人新鲜惊艳的感觉,或许这就是一部剧的成功所在吧!很爱《Ture Blood》这部剧,虽然追的比较晚哈哈哈,但这并不影响我爱它!
It took me nearly 2 years to finish True Blood Series. And here, I have some words for some of the characters. This kind of acts like a “farewell speech”, I guess
Farewell, Sookie. I never thought being a telepath like you is a curse. Instead, it is really cool. But sometimes hearing other’s nasty thoughts about you is another thing. So I can tell that you’re a really tough woman. And the love history between you and Bill, and Eric, later Alcide, is part of you. It is these experiences that make you what you are. Lastly, I’m happy that you let go of Bill and found your love. It is what Bill had hoped for, you know, family, kids thing. So farewell. All the best!
Farewell, Eric. I actually have most affection for you. You’re just the Sexy God in my human eyes. Remember when you were cursed by a witch and lost all your memories, so you had no choice but to hide in Sook’s? You were so innocent, gentle and loving during that time. And I’ll bear in mind what you have said when King Bill was about to commit to your true death—“she deserves happiness, I don’t care where she gets it from.” From that moment on, I knew that you loved Sook with every part of your heart. And I’m sorry for your loss of Godric and Nora. But you still have Pamela to walk with. May you guys share a long and happy life together.
Farewell, Jessica. You were as young as a bud when you were turned into a vamp. I was worried whether you could put it through or not. But seeing you growing up, loving somebody, trying to forgive yourself, is really something that makes me proud. You’re so beautiful, and hot, to be precise. You deserve a happy life with Hoyt.
Farewell, Jason. You’re talented in dealing with women, I have to admit that. But that’s because you work out hard and you have a golden heart. A little example is when in the school days, you kept standing out and reaching out for Hoyt.
Farewell, Pam. You are so loyal to your maker and keep being yourself. That’s really a cool thing. To me, you’re just like some fallen angles—full of danger and poison, but beautifully hurt.
Farewell, Sam. I want to tell you that what done is done. You can’t live in the past, and keep running or escaping. So I’m pretty happy that you chose to move to Chicago with Nicole and your baby girl. Truth be told, for a long time, I consider you tender, wise, and grounded. And I have learnt a lot from you, such as comforting others and so on.
Farewell, Arlene. At first, I thought you were just some kind of people flattering around and not getting along with others. But in the end, you turned out to be a kind, warm-hearted, loyal friends to all people. You always have the ability to start again and be happy. It’s really awesome. Thar’s what I learnt from you. Live for the now and keep on moving.
Farewell, Lafayette. I’m surprised by your power—being a medium and able to see the spirits. I’m also amazed by your way of speaking. Because you always say something like “I is”, ”how is you”, “ciao” which either has nothing to do with grammar, or from a foreign language. But I do like your make-ups and your outfits. I really do. It makes look so cool.
Farewell, Andy. Thanks for always being reliable, considerate and warm-hearted.
Farewell, Holly. Thanks for always being empathetic, compassionate, and trustful.
.Farewell, Bill. I didn’t trust your feelings for Sook because you walked in her life on purpose. You worked for Sophie Anne and was about to give Sookie to her. But you saved her so many times and wished a normal life for her even in the last days of your life. I still can’t explain your love for her. Is it sacrifice? Or is it something else? But you fight for your whole life(human life and vampire life) for humanity. That’s what makes you honorable.
Farewell, Tera. You loved Sook and tried to protect her all the time. You were kind, brave and warm-hearted. You’re just not good at communicating with people. And it’s not your fault not being able to protect your Mama from domestic violence. You were too young and your life would be totally different if you pulled the trigger. Don’t blame on yourself. Anyway, may you rest in peace.
Farewell, Tommy. You were too young to die. And before your death, you didn’t get any bit of love from your family. Your life was miserable. But I know you did love your brother Sam, even if you lied to him several times and took his money, you still chose to protect him from being chased by a pack of werewolves by sacrificing yourself. You died a hero. True.
Farewell, Alcide. You were decent, handsome, and grounded. In a word, you were good. But it’s a pity that two women you ever loved did not love you as much as you loved them. I guess that’s because you were too good for them and you actually deserved better.
Literally, True Blood is the first TV show I’ve ever completely finished; so it has special meaning to me, and I think I love all the characters in this show.
难道因为情节太不跌宕起伏 所以最后要虐死账单叔? 果然没有账单叔 牙缝苏跟E大没有在一起也是可以接受的么、、、那一幕陪着荧幕里的s哭的跟狗一样 脑子里突然就冒出当年的初见账单叔那屌丝的表情 苏穿着白裙子奔去找他 才发现虽然一直吐槽但是我其实真的很爱他的温柔爱他的包容
Final Season,看不看完都必须给五星啊!E大,请不要死,Bill,快去死,女主,who care。。。还有双J请在一起。。。
圣母苏的大牙缝和抬头纹已经吐槽到不能再吐槽了 / 还是这剧看着爽
只记得第一季的时候和牙缝一起痴痴的等Bill出场 渐渐地这剧就像长残了的孩子一般
作为第一部从头看到尾的长达7季的美剧 纯粹是为了看完而看完了 Sookie最爱的是她自己罢了