







威尼斯商人2004 剧照 NO.1威尼斯商人2004 剧照 NO.2威尼斯商人2004 剧照 NO.3威尼斯商人2004 剧照 NO.4威尼斯商人2004 剧照 NO.5威尼斯商人2004 剧照 NO.6威尼斯商人2004 剧照 NO.13威尼斯商人2004 剧照 NO.14威尼斯商人2004 剧照 NO.15威尼斯商人2004 剧照 NO.16威尼斯商人2004 剧照 NO.17威尼斯商人2004 剧照 NO.18威尼斯商人2004 剧照 NO.19威尼斯商人2004 剧照 NO.20


  年轻人巴萨尼奥(约瑟夫·费因斯 Joseph Fiennes饰)一心要向富商千金鲍西娅小姐(琳恩·柯林斯 Lynn Collins饰)求婚,为了这个愿望,他必须付出三千达克特,无奈中他只好向热心肠的商人安东尼奥(杰里米·艾恩斯 Jeremy Irons饰)借钱。碰巧的是,安东尼奥因为生意周转的问题,只能问犹太人夏洛克(阿尔·帕西诺 Al Pacino饰)借来这笔钱。  安东尼奥对犹太人历来抱有强烈的厌恶感,而夏洛克则提出了让人吃惊的要求:安东尼奥必须如期如数的归还这笔钱,否则,他将会切下安东尼奥身上的一磅肉。  巴萨尼奥终于如愿以偿的娶回了鲍西娅,安东尼奥却因为生意失败,在夏洛克的讨债中陷入困境。夏洛克还要趁这个机会,一雪安东尼奥对犹太人侮辱之耻。安东尼奥那一磅肉,看来非割不可了,聪明的鲍西娅却用绝妙一招,化险为夷。梦幻情侣国语虎胆侠情全力以赴的行动派不得安宁布鲁斯特的百万横财1985莉莉安和歌子酒第二季萌主密探怪兽档案 第二季活死人少女白色战争金色池塘需要浪漫砖匠盖亚2021人人都在谈论杰米粉雄救兵第一季万福爱在黎明破晓前犯罪现场调查:迈阿密第九季猎杀U-571英语机不可失第一季四千金1989给爸爸的信粤语版特殊的婚礼迷你偶像 OVA千面大盗踢到宝仇杀天选之子爸爸别骗我同行第二季JOJO的奇妙冒险 星尘斗士 埃及篇国语热风海陆Bushiroad第十九层空间无敌小飞猪非处方青春我的徒步之旅乌龙鸳鸯智多星寰宇轨迹女友成堆第二季哈里斯夫人去巴黎 Mrs Harris Goes to Paris蓝天之火 上初代吸血鬼 第四季


 1 ) 都是傻逼

Who should be blamed for?

 2 ) Shylock, a pitiable and hateful man

      In the cast of characters of “The Merchant of Venice”, Shylock is sure to be the fullest, the most vivid one. He is portrayed as a round, three-dimensional image, rather than a flat one. Shylock is the most complicated character in this play.

      He is absolutely very malicious, vicious, mean, a merciless man with no sympathy. But if you only judge him by these words, and describe him in this way, I am afraid that you will miss the other respects of his personalities and fates, which are, maybe the more important parts.

        Shylock, is a tragic person in this play. He is a Jew, and believes Judaism. But at that period of time, Christianity is the orthodoxy, while Judaism is supposed to be the paganism. Therefore, many Jews are inferior to Christians, and they are often bullied and took advantage of. In this situation, this Jewish merchant, who lent money to a Christian, just had his own plan, he calculated the deal’s value in heart. Getting the maximal amount of interest is every merchant’s purpose and duty. Is it wrong for him to do that? It’s good to be sagacious and efficient in the business, as long as you don’t get that money by stealing or robbing. If you get money in a proper way, lending money at interest is not excessive, this way of business is not too bad. All of this is just understandable, is reasonable.

        From the dialog between Shylock and his daughter, you can feel his love for his daughter. He loves his only daughter, and wants to protect her. Because he does not believe the Christians, he does not allow her to marry a Christian. He does this just because he is afraid that the Christian may hurt his daughter, that ‘s also out of his deep love for her. From this point, he is a good father. So he just planed his daughter’s life, gave her the material comfort, without caring her feelings about all of these. We may say that his love is absolute, but the way is not so suitable and correct.

         There are many conflicts in this play. At first when Antonio asked money for Shylock, the dialog between them showed two different kinds of person. But different thoughts came to the same point, that is , money. Antonio has his good reputation, and just because of this, Shylock at last lent him money. The conflict appeared here but didn’t reach its climax. There are a group of contradictions: The contradiction of Shylock and Antonio’s way of business; The contradiction of their religion and believe; the contradiction of the difference of what they really think and what they behave in reality. All of these contradictions just prepare for the real clash in the climax. It’s the prelude, the first step to make the strong conflicts and acted as a catalytic agent in the process of sharpen the conflict.

        In the end, Shylock lost everything. His daughter, his property, and his believe. His daughter eloped with a Christian, which is a heavy blow to him. He was forced to believe Christianity. The two things are sacred in his heart, which support him all the time. But now, nothing left to him. And what’s more, he is marked as a bad man forever. Maybe this is the most deplorable thing to him.

         A pitiable and hateful man, makes you sometimes gnash your teeth, sometimes feel your heart ache for him.

 3 ) Shylock in my eyes

The merchant of Venice tells us a story about friendship, love and religion. Among the three themes, it is the religion that inspired me the most.
First, let’s take a brief look at the three main characters in the play: Antonio, Bassanio, and Shylock.
Antonio, whom the merchant of Venice refers to, is decent and brave, loyal to his friends and severe to his enemies. As a Christian, he often discriminates the Jewish people, and insulting them in public is often the case.
Bassanio, in my opinion, is a good-for-nothing young man. He is obsessed with the beauty and the fortune of Portia, and he borrows money from Antonio to make his trip to woo the hand of Portia. From this we can see that Bassanio is sort of incapable because he can’t even pursue his love all by his own.
Shylock, the big villain in this play, is a Jewish merchant. He is described as a mean, greedy, and cold-blooded merchant who sees no other things but money in his eyes. Being a Jew, he lives a lowly life, suffering continuous insults and humiliations from Antonio and other Christians. That explains why he bears deep hatred against Antonio. But objectively speaking, he is a man of endurance and toughness.
  Then let’s see how the story goes round.
Bassanio borrows money from Antonio to pursue Portia. But Antonio has invested all his fortune to his ships and has no cash in hand at that moment. Out of love to Bassanio, Antonio takes the risk to borrow money from his enemy Shylock which demands to cut down one pound of flesh from Antonio if he can’t pay back the money in time.
From this treaty we can see what a deep Shylock’s hatred against Antonio, he regard it a good chance to revenge himself. As an old saying says, “an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth”. Antonio used to treat Shylock bad, He has insulted the Jew and spat on him, yet he comes with hypocritical politeness to borrow money of him. Now it is the turn of Shylock to treat him back, even more harshly than the way he was treated before.
 So I think his act of revenge is reasonable to some degree and we should have mercy on him. Being a Jew, he is cruelly abused here and there. The Jews are not allowed to possess private possessions, they are obliged to wear a red hat in public to make sure that they can be easily identified, and they live in the dirty and narrow slums guarded by the Christians, supposedly for their own safety. This is a whole race that is been treated unfairly. And Shylock, to some extent, is one of the representatives of his people who underwent so much injustice. He speaks for his own nation:
Hath not a Jew eyes? Hath not a Jew hands, organs, dimensions, senses, affections, passions; fed with the same food, hurt with the same weapons, subject to the same diseases, healed by the same means, warmed and cooled by the same winter and summer as a Christian is? If you prick us, do we not bleed? If you tickle us, do we not laugh? If you poison us, do we not die? And if you wrong us, shall we not revenge? If we are like you in the rest, we will resemble you in that. If a Jew wrong a Christian, what is his humility? Revenge. If a Christian wrong a Jew, what should his sufferance be by Christian example? Why, revenge. The villainy you teach me, I will execute, and it shall go hard but I will better the instruction.
This is the most inspiring part that exerts our sympathy for Shylock, his words of anger, of interrogation, touched me a lot. I started to think about the so-called heroes—Bassanio, Portia, and Antonio, they’re sort of hypocrites. How can they ask Shylock to have mercy when they are showing none on him? See what this gentleman has done to the poor Jew:
 He hath disgraced me, and hindered me half a million, laughed at my losses, mocked at my gains, scorned my nation, thwarted my bargains, cooled my friends, heated mine enemies;
And what’s his reason? I am a Jew.
Apparently, Antonio’s behaviors do not accord with his decent figure. It’s worth doubting his personality dealing with others except for his friends. In addition, his actions do arouse Shylock’s anger and detestation, it’s no wonder that he wants to revenge on him. When his mutinous daughter, his only family member, deserts him to marry a Christian taking with her many valuable possessions, including the first ring Shylock gave to his late wife. His servant defects to his enemy; he definitely hates Antonio to death.
From this part, we can see clearly Shakespeare’s neutral position in religion, or at least he did not always portray Shylock as entirely detestable, putting him in unfortunate situations where the audience cannot but have some sympathy for him.
The court is a place where justice should be done, while what I see from the trial in the end of the play is totally a mockery of justice. Portia disguises as a lawyer, and easily reverses the tide with a little trick of words. This is what law allows? In the name of justice?
 At the ending of the play, Shylock has lost everything, what matters the most is that he has lost his belief, and he is forced to be converted to a Christian. How can he burden all this changes? He is just an old lonely poor man, how can he be accepted by the Christians and how his Jewish fellowmen look at him? None of my assumption is good for Shylock. He is pathetic, not only for his personality, but also for the social structures at that time. Although I don’t know the religions very well, I do know that we are all born equal. Shylock deserves sympathy, but none of Antonio’s insults. His misfortune doesn’t owe to Antonio, but to that time.

 4 ) 脱下了红帽,却哪儿都去不了
















 5 ) The Merchant of Venice Shylock经典台词


To bait fish withal:
if it will feed nothing else,it will feed my revenge.
He hath disgraced me, and hindered me half a million; laughed at my losses,
mocked at my gains, scorned my nation,
thwarted my bargains, cooled my friends, heated mine enemies;
and what's his reason? I am a Jew.
Hath not a Jew eyes? hath not a Jew hands, organs,
dimensions, senses, affections, passions?
fed with the same food, hurt with the same weapons,
subject to the same diseases, healed by the same means,
warmed and cooled by the same winter and summer, as a Christian is?
If you prick us, do we not bleed?
if you tickle us, do we not laugh?
if you poison us, do we not die?
and if you wrong us, shall we not revenge?
If we are like you in the rest, we will resemble you in that.
If a Jew wrong a Christian,what is his humility? Revenge.
If a Christian wrong a Jew, what should his sufferance be by Christian example? Why, revenge.
The villany you teach me, I will execute,
and it shall go hard but I will better the instruction.

 6 ) 重新发现夏洛克

那是夏洛克老头。很多年以前,人们告诉我,那是一个冷酷无情、凶狠残忍的奸商。但艾尔•帕西诺的夏洛克,让这一切都被粉碎了。他是一个被人看不起的犹太商人。处处受排挤,被唾唾沫,出门就要戴上红帽子,以表明犹太身份——多像霍桑的“红字”。而向他唾唾沫的人里就有跟他定下那一磅肉契约的安东尼奥。他还是一个父亲,他想保护女儿,禁止她和基督徒来往,但女儿离开了他,还带走了他的钱,和一个基督徒年轻人私奔了。这个可怜的父亲整夜在街上游荡,叫着女儿的名字,哀号不止。 其实他一直都是被侮辱和被损害的。 所以我们一直以为的那个见利忘义的商人,我们一直以为的那个残忍冷酷的屠夫,其实,他只是被压抑得太久。或者如他所说,他想做的,只是看看威尼斯文明的所谓法律的公正,是否公正而已。 当鲍西娅扮成的法律博士,在法庭上找到了他的契约漏洞,要求他只能割肉,不能见血,不能多于一磅或少于一磅,必须是刚好的一磅,这刚才还精神抖擞着的犹太商人,一下子泄了气。在大庭广众之下,他小小的个子缩成了一团,那么多的人,不再是听他慷慨陈词的,而是围在一旁等着看他的笑话,他,一个犹太狗,又一次成了被人们奚落嘲笑看不起的对象,他们尽情地辱骂他,嘲笑他,看着他不堪一击,看着他被人们踩在脚下。他的眼神,变得那么胆怯了,没有一点神采,有的只是害怕和惶恐。原来,他已经老得不能再老了。他只是一个老人。没有家人,没有朋友,孤零零的,只有咒骂和嘲笑包围着他。 夏洛克,他只是想严格遵守他的契约。而这个是他在这个世上唯一的凭靠,因为法律告诉人们说,说它公正,一个没有地位没有尊严没有任何权力的犹太人,他只有向这里寻求一方公正。他签下了那一个奇特的契约,其实也是在跟法律打一个赌。如果有人愿意签订这样一个约定,那么他为什么就不能去执行,哪怕这契约看起来那么残忍,那么不合情合理,但只要签订了,就要严格执行,就要承担责任。他划向安东尼奥尼胸膛的拿着刀的手是颤抖的,哪怕他曾被这个男人羞辱过,但他毕竟不是那么残忍。这是他在世上唯一的权力。他还在犹豫着如何行使它。他颤抖的手止于鲍西娅的一喝,且慢。此前,他是多么荣光。一向蔑视他的人们开始求着他的宽容。从没有人关心他、想听他说话,到人们都屏住呼吸、聚精会神地想听听他会说些什么。这契约终于让他有了尊严。 如果没有鲍西娅的那一声断喝,夏洛克是不是真的会向安东尼奥的胸膛割去,我们不得而知。但我可以感觉到,他拿着刀子的手一样软弱无力,充满恐惧。那恐惧甚至不比坐在他面前,被绑在椅子上发抖的那个男人少。可是,是什么让他举起了刀子?他面前的这个人,他周围的人们,法官或是群众,义愤填膺的自以为公正的,在骂他犹太狗的时候没有一丝羞愧和怜悯的,人们,就没有错吗? 夏洛克是一个反抗者。是时代造就了他的悲剧。他的反抗,即使基于契约的实行原本合情合理,真理也从来没有并永远不会属于他,他最后还是一败涂地。我们看到他的笑话,尽情地嘲笑他,并在嘲笑中,获得了一种道德优越感的满足,却没有去体会他的痛苦。即使过了那么多年,走过了那么多的时代,一幕幕被侮辱和被损害的历史一再重演,我们还是,轻浮地发出了笑声。这笑声,是如此轻飘,却永远也上不了天堂。 他的那种痛苦,也是人类的痛苦。嘲笑夏洛克的每个人,都在嘲笑着他们自己。


这样的剧情我也无话可说了,后面那个女法官的话真的是耍小聪明,这样的东西也可以上的了所谓的大雅之堂?更直接的,这种有直接利害关系的poison tree也能上?满纸就写满了不公正而已。那个女的也不是啥好东西,娶了她相当于害了自己几辈子

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  • 7酱™
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總之大多數人對此片的感想是: 猶太商人夏洛克好可憐喔。

  • 女尸
  • 还行

几个主演当中也就Al Pacino保持着高水准 觉得完全就是按照莎翁情史的套路来的 假如最后真的还是Cate Blanchett来演鲍西亚那或许就是另外一种味道了 夏洛克最后的凄凉感让人不禁动容 其实当初读书的时候就觉得他挺可怜的 只不过这部电影把这种可怜惨惨的气氛营造得更加直白

  • Bill
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  • 九命猫@victor-eyes
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  • 易老邪
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难道犹太人没有眼睛吗?难道犹太人没有五官四肢、没有知觉、没有感情、没有血气吗?他不是吃着同样的食物,同样的武器可以伤害他, 同样的医药可以疗治他,冬天同样会冷,夏天同样会热,就像一个基督徒一样吗?你们要是用刀剑刺我们,我们不是也会出血的吗? .....就这几句话我对夏洛克好感倍增

  • UrthónaD'Mors
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  • 小乙
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  • 囍夭夭
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矫枉过正 还犹太人夏洛克以清白 还Bassanio与Antonio以基情

  • LORENZO 洛伦佐
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有点唔明,对白非常好啊 出口成章啊,夏洛克不是坏人么 我觉得他很可怜喔,安东尼 孤单一个 但是他又为什么这样对夏洛克呢,夏洛克那段骂基督徒的话非常影响深刻啊,他说得对的,众人皆平等嘛,这部应该是有宗教导向的影片喔

  • 轻思雾
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  • paradiso
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  • Calavera
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“If you prick us, do we not bleed? If you tickle us, do we not laugh? If you poison us, do we not die? And if you wrong us, shall we not revenge?”

  • 噩梦枕头
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一个彻底的悲剧 夏洛克的悲惨命运 因为作为一个犹太人所以我们得到的是鄙视与仇视 法律规定我们不能做我们想做的工作 我们只能放高利贷 人们骂我们是狗 我觉得安东尼奥很残忍在于他让夏洛克去做一个基督徒就像杀掉他的灵魂一样 巨讨厌巴萨尼奥 他就是一个马屁精没有主心骨 他配不上鲍西娅

  • 气急败坏女疯子
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  • Lycidas
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  • L.C.
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  • 芹泽虾饺菌
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  • 安蓝·怪伯爵𓆝𓆟𓆜
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