

主演:Andranic Manet,Gonzague Van Bervesseles,柯朗坦·菲拉,珍娜·蒂亚姆,索菲·费尔贝克,Nicolas Bouchaud,戴安·罗赛尔,Charlotte Van Bervesseles,Valentine Catzeflis







  Filled with expectations, Etienne moves to Paris from Lyon to study film directing at the Sorbonne. He leaves behind his girlfriend Lucie, promising to call her regularly via Skype. On his course he meets Jean-Noël and Mathias, they too have come to the metropolis from smaller cities and share his passion for cinema. Together they discuss the cinematic canon, read texts by Flaubert and Pasolini, and listen to Bach and Mahler. Jean-Noël proves to be an agreeable friend who tries to strengthen Etienne’s fragile self-confidence; Mathias, on the other hand, often comes across as stern, aloof and mysterious. Fond of arguing, he has a habit of disappearing for weeks on end without the others knowing where he is. Nobody gets to see his student film, either. Etienne is particularly crestfallen when he discovers by chance that Mathias shares a secret with Annabelle, an idealistic young woman who lives in Etienne’s shared flat and with whom he is secretly in love. Jean Paul Civeyrac’s tenderly melancholic black-and-white study of these young people’s encounter with art and life is at the same time a declaration of love for classic cinema and the city of Paris.回家 - 在家里我们的故事之沉默的年代2寄生虫(2019)吸血鬼猎人D北极2018尼克松导演剪切版2居家男人2004虚情假意老师的恩惠冰雪公主2005一起走过美女与野兽1946小鬼上路逆时杀机本能2亡命刺杀令爱探险的朵拉 第五季反击少女阿加莎与谋杀的真谛天涯咫尺2008等着你爸爸的假期科学怪人大战狼人为何已成过去失眠2017国语漩涡之外市长的自白驯龙记:飞越边界第一季开错鬼门关杨成武强攻东团堡诡井默文·卡拉越南无极限 情义归途矿工的女儿动物园长的夫人本色兵未生国语异形复活(国语版)迈克尔·彻:事关紧要毒怨魅影新生第一季

