

主演:Patrick Aryee






猴子:奇妙的动物家族 剧照 NO.1猴子:奇妙的动物家族 剧照 NO.2猴子:奇妙的动物家族 剧照 NO.3猴子:奇妙的动物家族 剧照 NO.4猴子:奇妙的动物家族 剧照 NO.5猴子:奇妙的动物家族 剧照 NO.6猴子:奇妙的动物家族 剧照 NO.13猴子:奇妙的动物家族 剧照 NO.14猴子:奇妙的动物家族 剧照 NO.15猴子:奇妙的动物家族 剧照 NO.16猴子:奇妙的动物家族 剧照 NO.17猴子:奇妙的动物家族 剧照 NO.18猴子:奇妙的动物家族 剧照 NO.19猴子:奇妙的动物家族 剧照 NO.20


  Following the success of 'Big Cats: An Amazing Animal Family', engaging presenter and biologist Patrick Ayree returns to investigate our closest relatives in the natural world - primates. 'Monkeys: An Amazing Animal Family' is a lavish documentary that follows Patrick across the globe as he explores the incredible evolutionary rise of dazzlingly different primate species. Today, there are more than 300 species of primates. All of different shapes and sizes, they can jump higher, swing further and solve problems better than virtually any other animal group on Earth. But how and why? Patrick gets up close and personal with apes and monkeys as he climbs the primate family tree. Beginning 60 million years ago in Asia's dense forests, he discovers the origin of the earliest primates and how they conquered the world, making it from South Africa to America where they evolved into the intelligent, inquisitive and more physical members of the primate family that we now know as monkeys. As well as investigating the rise of the apes and the birth of our closest animal relative, the gorilla, Patrick explores why these creatures developed into incredible acrobats and how they evolved to have strong and long tails, loud howls or huge claws. From the tiny mouse lemur to the giant gorilla, Patrick explores them all in a stunning three-part documentary that features gorgeous photography, extraordinary animal behavior and one of TV's brightest new presenting talents.猫头鹰王国:守卫者传奇总有一天一直是永远港督最后一个保镖决战刹马镇民间怪闻录之诡戏班为全人类第二季秒速5厘米总是搞砸的单身女人迪亚!世界致命动物系列:非洲篇辣妹刺客 2主厨的餐桌:烧烤一个美国人在巴黎1951神奇四侠2005(原声版)枕边怪吓叶塞尼亚林则徐[电影版]雷横与朱仝女巫前线:塞勒姆要塞第一季红与黑的热情固伦公主府血债血偿大清徽商要案组雷霆出击相遇的夏天都市俏辣妹盲探国语亡灵2009最后的猎人提心吊胆双面北野武王心凌2004梦幻游园地演唱会一天(剧版)第一季星际迷航3:超越星辰(原声版)缘尽今生战火你好呀,我的橘子恋人崛起




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感觉第三集最好看= =

  • Koyota
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