著名同志喜剧“外出就餐”已成为像“美国派”一样的品牌系列。本集主角是眼睛大大的男生凯西(丹尼尔·斯凯尔顿 Daniel Skelton 饰)。他刚搬来小城,和前两集的放荡同人女蒂凡尼(丽贝卡·科芡 Rebekah Kochan 饰)一见如故,被后者哄去同志社区中心做志愿者。在那里他遇到了型男扎克(克里斯·萨尔瓦托 Chris Salvatore 饰)。凯西觉得自己不会是扎克喜欢的类型,但芳心难奈下决定网聊搭讪,而蒂凡尼慷慨的出借前男友——脱衣猛男莱恩(迈克尔E.R.沃克 Michael E.R. Walker 饰)的照片和档案。凯西顺利的让扎克爱上了这个拥有虚假外表的自己,但他没有意识到真正打动扎克的是他的兴趣和梦想。莱恩的意外回归将所有谎言踢爆,凯西想挽回扎克对他的感觉,于是毅然报名参加同志社区的慈善义卖......
热播电视剧最新电影民初奇人传小生作反1983足迹宇宙小毛球希瓦浪客剑心 最终章 人诛篇早安,维罗妮卡第一季美人私房菜管家2024明日之丈剧场版边境奇袭奇奇欲爱世界特工355勇士之门哈利与雪人马地层下陷贵族2018少年阿超班班和莉莉的小王国盂兰神功粤语我生命的战斗叛逆少女信仰2022编织记忆第二季怪人寻宝王冠的游戏:都铎家族开头葬礼这一段可以说是非常荒诞哈哈哈哈,Kyle和Marc的死亡原因好讽刺,可能导演是想说gay community太以SEX为中心(后面Caesy的台词里也有出现),在追求刺激和贯彻到底的时候需要注意安全。唱完歌后Tiffani和Ernesto去Grief Room祈祷了,动作片里的经典桥段。
Tiffani说越南语语气特别夸张,让人觉得很搞笑。另外这家店店名叫NAIL ME,哈哈哈哈哈哈哈。
Tiffani真的是毒舌,不过她说得也算有道理。以前看的时候肤浅地觉得Caesy一点都不帅,又没有肌肉(我自己不也是吗),配不上Zack,现在再看这部电影觉得Caesy也是有自己独特魅力的(I can)。通知中心这位年老的工作人员Harry挑逗了一下C,让C感到很不舒服。
“I always hear the gay community this, the gay community that. But all I see are a bunch of drunk assholes looking for sex, who don't care anything about relationships."
"It's called homosexual, not homoHUGual, what did you expect?"
"Romance. I want to travel the world on scooters. Adopt children."
Well... You can't spell homosexual without SEX in it. 另外骑scooter环游世界也太可爱了,我满脑子都是下面这个画面。
在各种社交网络上,看到一个hot guy的照片,谁又不会被吸引呢?点进profile仔细看看,从他的动态,他与其他人的评论互动,对他的兴趣爱好,行为举止多加一些了解,你可能发现他是个彻头彻尾的大男子主义者,或者你们喜欢完全相反的东西,没有任何共同话题,或者他是一个没上过大学没有正经工作整天泡吧Hook up私底下还需要卖袜子和内裤来赚钱以维持自己表明上鲜活的社交生活的人(No tea, no shade),或者单纯就是个骗子,对于想要一段感情的你会觉得很失望。跟一个没有自拍头像,动态里也没有自己照片的人随便聊聊想碰碰运气的时候,发现你们hit it off,你们有相同的喜好,你们交谈不是跨频道聊天,你们都抱怨圈子里都是“在yue吗看看你”想谈一段感情非常困难,就当你们鼓起勇气互换照片或者决定面基后,发现你并不满意对方的外貌,这种失望比前一种更大。社交网络给大家提供了寻找感情的机会,但并没有把这件事变得简单。
其实是Not into guys who are way out of my league吧。
C: Okay, well...My dream date, It's intimate. Like I make him dinner so it's personal.
Z: Yeah, something at your place, just the two of you, no distractions.
C: Yeah. And maybe I'd have a fun theme for the meal.
Z: Italian.
Z: Pasta, pinot grigio, some funky Italian music.
C: That's all I need, because the best first dates are the ones where the conversation's just really easy.
Z: And if flows cuz you're both listening to each other like you're focused.
C: And there are those moments when you're looking into each other's eyes, wondering maybe if he's thinking the same thing.
Z: That some time tonight we're gonna ...
C: Kiss.
我马上就去学做菜。这个pinot grigio让我想到gaga的Grigio girls,"All the pinot, pinot grigio girls, pour your heart out, watch your blue turns gold."
"Okay, I'm a jealous woman. But at least I feel something. You're a emotionless stripper who uses his body as a bargaining chip. And that's not gonna get you anything but a dirty dollar bill shoved up your a**."
"See? I'm telling the truth."
"You're adorable, but you're far too young for me. Us in bed would be like teaching calculus to a preschooler."——Harry的奇妙比喻。
T: Honey, assholes are attracted to me, like shit to assholes.
Z: And why did you stay with them?
T: Sex!
Z: Exactly! I have the same problem. I can't say no to cock.
R: Is this gonna work?
T: Trust me, it's science. If you leave two dicks ttogether, eventually one of them's going to need sucking. Like prison.
"I used to think the center didn't apply to me at all. I thought It was just a bunch of old guys looking to get their rocks off. But a friend forced me to volunteer here, where I met one of these old guys face to face. Boy, was I wrong. He was a caring person, empty his wallet and busting his ass to make sure that people like me don't have to go through the shit that people like him had to. And he's just one of the dozens of people here, trying to help thousands of kids like me. I started this summer feeling at odds with the gay community. But now, I look out at your faces, I see a friend who will do anything to protect the people close to her, an example for me to aspire to, a bitch when you need one, a family that won't let you fail even when you've already given up on yourself. And a leader, who can change the way we see each other and teach us about the things that really matter. And I couldn't be prouder to be a part of this."
个人最喜欢这部啦,就很欢乐,片尾放credits的时候还有卡司在跳舞。外貌上不匹配的Z和C在一起了,这个故事就像一个gay fairytale。这集以互联网为切入点讨论了同志群体交往的现状,放在现在感觉也很贴近现实。跟往常一样保持让观众一直看到sexy肉体的同时,也加入了romance的元素,虽然里面的浪漫可能俗套到掉牙,但是在群体里很多人以性至上的风气下,这种简单的浪漫显得难能可贵,虽然有点傻但确实是人们会渴求的东西。
- Chris(饰演Zack)之前没骑过Scooter,都是现场学的哈哈哈。
- Chris跟Michael(饰演Ryan)还有Daniel(饰演Caesy)的那场sex scene,Chris开玩笑说"I swallowed a gallon of Michael's sweat yesterday, licking up and down his chest."
- 开头Tiffani跟Ernesto的戏,导演问Ernesto的演员(Maximiliano Torandell)"Have you ever been with a woman before?",他说"Of course, you need to try everything"。然后Ernesto问Tiffani有没有和woman试过,她说没有,Ernesto就说“You don't miss anything." 哈哈哈哈😂
- Julia Cho(饰演Zack的女性好友Tandy)觉得她的台词非常mean,就是那句”I threw up a liitle bit in my pu**y.",导演却觉得比说mouth有趣多了。
- Pam(美甲店的那个员工)的演员表示,本来他们想让她使用那个N-word,但是她不想,结果最后影片里用了Yigga这个词。
- 影片只花了11天就拍摄完成。
- Daniel,Chris,Michael,John(饰演Zack前男友Lionel)都说自己是openly gay,到Leslie(饰演Harry)时他说"I mean no one ever asked so I never told but I've been openly gay since 82." 哈哈哈。Rebekah(饰演Tiffani)说"I'm not gay but I do like cock. And uh, especially his (poiting to Michael). Why do you think I'm the lead in the third movie?" 她真的太好笑了hhhh
chris像极了一个人...整个片子秀色可餐 对白妙趣横生 轻松幽默而发人深省~期待下一集
Go go boy~
this one really ugly.. the "straight" one is cool, esp. his pic.
The wonder of Tiffani...
= =。。。这小受 真别扭
泰國employee跟tIffany的對白超搞笑。直男其實挺好人XD。倆主角受受戀= =
chris salvatore太美了
happy ending神马的就够了。