They sell $100 non-racist yoga pants, I think I speak for the entire audience tonight when I say most people in this crowd would prefer a pair of $20 racist yoga pants. That’s yoga pants whistle ni**a as you walk.
By the way, speaking of commercials, when didSnoop Doggbecome Morgan Freeman?
They say we are addicted to opioids, but opioids are not the biggest addiction in America, not even close, man, the biggest addiction in America is attention.
And right now, we live in a world where the emergency room is filled up with motherfuckers with paper cuts.
That’s right. I’m on your side. I believe you should have the right to kill as many babies as you want. Kill ’em all, I don’t give a fuck. But let’s not get it twisted, it is killing a baby. ‘Cause whenever I pay for an abortion, I request a dead baby. Sometimes, I call up the doctor like a hit man. “Is it done?”
And people argue first trimester, second trimester. First trimester, second trimester. I think women should have the right to kill a baby until it’s four years old. That’s right, fuck trimester. Semester. I think you should be able to kill a baby till you get that first report card. [exclaims] “He ain’t never getting a scholarship.” “Okay, you can finish watchingStranger Things, but when it’s over, we going to the clinic.” “Hurry up, I’m trying to get a smoothie.”
Yes. Robert Kardashian helped to free O.J. Simpson. That’s right. And from that day on, from the day that he helped to free O.J. Simpson, from the time O.J. Simpson left that court… From that day on, Robert Kardashian was cursed. That’s right. The judge said, “Not guilty.” O.J. left the court, got in his Bronco, drove away. And soon as O.J. drove away, God appeared. And God walked up to Robert Kardashian and God said, “Robert Kardashian!” “For the sin of helping to free O.J. Simpson, a Black, football-playing murderer, from this day forth, for the rest of eternity, till the end of time, your daughters will fuck nothing but n*ggas!“And not just any n*ggas, crazy n*ggas.” “The craziest n*ggas to ever live.”
Them Rock girls are fucking spoiled. I remember my youngest,Zahra, when she was in kindergarten, one day, the teacher said, “Today, we’re gonna learn about the four seasons.” And Zahra said, “That’s my favorite hotel.”
America has a problem, 名人吐槽(梅根, 卡戴珊), 家人趣事, 直男joke, 当然还有观众最期待的喷Will Smith。整场其实没有特可乐的部分(除了那句直到4岁都可以🔪孩子不知道为啥戳到我笑点了)但也没有低于期望值 结尾punchline收得挺好的 而且看现场观众的反应 奥斯卡上那因祸得福的一拳确实把他又打上一个人生高峰了
2.5 Everything is fine but what the fuck is that female beauty aka pussy piece of shit?
Draw attention那段我真的悟了
巴掌门可以 谈女性的部分很low
一小时以后开始掌掴事件的段子 非常生猛 不过明显感觉这个负面情绪还没消化掉 咬着后槽牙说的
lululemon不欢迎racist和穷人 / $20 racist yoga pants / I'm my favorite charity. / I'm rich but I identify as poor. My pronoun is broke. / Human beings have the worst offspring of any animal. / Don't fight in front of white people.
America has a problem, 名人吐槽(梅根, 卡戴珊), 家人趣事, 直男joke, 当然还有观众最期待的喷Will Smith。整场其实没有特可乐的部分(除了那句直到4岁都可以🔪孩子不知道为啥戳到我笑点了)但也没有低于期望值 结尾punchline收得挺好的 而且看现场观众的反应 奥斯卡上那因祸得福的一拳确实把他又打上一个人生高峰了
开场十分钟就笑抽了,但到后面渐渐不行。男女话题有点过时了,就像现在讲十几年前的种族冒犯梗,无关政治正确,就是单纯的过时不好笑了。本来我以为是因为Chris Rock年龄大了观点有局限性,后来想想Bill Burr最近在科罗拉多演出讲的话题依然自我但毫不过时,所以还是好不好笑的问题。就在我觉得这场show高开低走的时候,最后十分钟骂Will Smith的部分又把我看爽了😂
He still doesn’t see women as equal human being, but who cares.
梗全是为史皇埋的,“don’t fight in front of white people” ,最好的反击了
作为主体的嘲讽政治正确和受害者叙事之类的内容,都还挺精彩的。不过压轴的梗果然还是众望所归地贡献给了Will Smith。物理攻击一个单口艺人,大概是这个世界上最得不偿失的行为之一了吧:你得声泪俱下地道歉,人家却多了个Netflix专场……
female beauty 难道不是男权社会建构的结果吗?美国人的PC是只有racist和trans是吗?
2.5 Everything is fine but what the fuck is that female beauty aka pussy piece of shit?
Draw attention那段我真的悟了
巴掌门可以 谈女性的部分很low
一小时以后开始掌掴事件的段子 非常生猛 不过明显感觉这个负面情绪还没消化掉 咬着后槽牙说的
lululemon不欢迎racist和穷人 / $20 racist yoga pants / I'm my favorite charity. / I'm rich but I identify as poor. My pronoun is broke. / Human beings have the worst offspring of any animal. / Don't fight in front of white people.
三星半//谈论选择性愤怒的选择性愤怒 语言逻辑缜密 并且将从一开始就期待他谈论的内容稳稳压到最后 用lululemon 迪斯尼乐园 女性堕胎议题 梅根马克尔和英国皇室的纷争等等铺呈了满当当的情绪 又是当下新一轮的奥斯卡季时间节点 非常微妙但快乐数钱
爽,复仇了!帮大家又回忆了一遍will老婆那些事,用主题label了Will,selective outrage,自己还不当自己是受害人,用勇气赚足了人气。
I love how Mainland Chinese don't give half a shit about blacks, even with the slapping gate.
“Don’t fight in front of white people” Chris Rock和Dave Chappelle真的贡献了今年和去年最硬的punchline finisher
“I took that hit like Pacquiao” and you slapped back like a Pacquiao too hhh