通过探索我们常常不花时间去欣赏或理解的共同生物学,深入研究我们每个人内部的宇宙。 心脏,大脑,眼睛,血液,眼泪; “人类”不仅揭示了人体运作原理的科学知识,而且揭示了我们内在世界每时每刻的内在力量。 来自全球各地的人的个人资料成为有关人体许多系统功能的更深层次故事的切入点。
热播电视剧最新电影霹雳战士 粤语版天使的眼睛 第二季奶站风波曼谷惊魂圣餐海底大揭秘第二季灵异医院张铁匠的罗曼史少女邦2024大宪章国王的最后旅程你的婚礼2018名嘴大丈夫言灵庄七尺男儿2004熟男要结婚千钧一刻仁义的墓场山炮驾到2之灵魂转移爱情离间计超人前传 第五季人渣的本愿真人版柳书生的婚礼雪王之奇幻沙州进击的巨人 第一季龙与地下城(原声版)JOJO的奇妙冒险 星尘斗士 埃及篇弑神者!猫猫逃走了忽然遇见你Explore the incredible universe inside each and every one of us. An examination of diverse personal stories from around the world reveals how our lives, passions and goals are powered by the amazing systems that define our biology as a species.
1) Birth Go on a journey with parents who are preparing for babies to see how our bodies create and sustain new life. Through their stories, we learn about what is fundamentally shared and absolutely unique about the experience of birth.
2) Pulse Dive into the world of an ice climber, a bus driver, a woman in labor and a senior dance club to show how the human heart and the circulatory system power our physical and emotional lives and create the pulsing rhythm of our world.
3) Fuel Through the worlds of a religious faster, an ultra-marathon runner, a farmer and a young girl beating allergies, go deep into the world of the human gut, which processes the fuel our bodies need to keep going.
4) Defend Look at a nature survivalist, rancher twins, a doctor who survived Ebola and the recipient of a cutting-edge cancer therapy to uncover the wildly advanced biology that keeps us alive against all odds.
5) Sense Dive into the stories of a pairs figure skating team, a perfumer, a cave explorer and a musician to decipher how different ways of sensing the world all create their own vivid and unique picture.
6) React Through the lens of a boxer, a first responder, a cell tower climber and a man with a bionic limb, go deep into the universe of the most powerful machine on earth: the human brain and the vast nervous system it controls.
the brain learns what we do most
the more you practice it , the stronger it will be! Human body has amazing ability to adapt to the environment and challenge
They effectively shut down the logical part of your brain. In other words, love literally makes us dumb.
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