赫赫有名的好莱坞女明星琼克劳馥(费·唐纳薇 Faye Dunaway 饰)一直都想有一个自己的孩子,然而她的身体已经无法再怀孕了,于是,她和情人格雷格(史蒂夫·弗罗斯特 Steve Forrest 饰)领养了一个女婴取名为克里斯蒂娜(戴安娜·斯卡维德 Diana Scarwid 饰)。随着克里斯蒂娜的年岁增长,琼克劳馥在影坛之中的地位亦越来越低,当她因为影片不卖座而遭到了制片公司的开除之后,她将所有的怨气都发泄在了克里斯蒂娜的身上。
Joan Crawford has worked hard all her life. However she has not left a single cent for Christina or Christopher, quoted "for the reasons well-known to them". My first reaction is to doubt whether her net worth is negative, given her pursuit of certain glamourous kind of lifestyle.
Well jokes aside, I do believe people are born with different worldviews. Allowing me to be a little bit judgemental, Joan is more like a man than a woman. She values respect, reputation and career-related achievements more than love or family. Nowadays it is common to see a woman like that. But back in the 30s, she was definitely rare.
Cliché has it that one must have loved reallly hard before she could hate somebody so bad. Joan was definitely toughtest on Christina, not sure if Christina is the naughtiest one though. Joan must have loved Christina so much before she hated her so without leaving any inheritance to her. The funny thing is that Christina seems to be the one most alike her with a similiar multi-marriage history. Maybe it is due to Christina's rebellious character, or her chosen path as an actress, or even her presence to prove that Joan's failed as a mother. It is human nature that the things one cannot obtain are what he/she wants most, especially for people like Joan. She is widely loved and has earned an extraordinary life. The one thing she cannot have is Christina's love. She cannot handle the fact that she was so emotionally instable when dealing with young Tina that it has caused permenant damages to their relationship. There is an inerasable scare in the heart of both Joan and Christina. This is one thing Joan has failed in this life, which she can never really admit.
By leaving nothing in heritance for Christina and Christopher, Joan has ruined her last chance to repair their relationship, which led Christina to tell her side of story and made this movie possible. Maybe Tina and Christopher will forgive their mother one day. But by putting a higher price sticker on fame than other stuff in life, one would always end up in vain and never have made it as a qualified mother.
Eighty years ago when Joan decided to be a mother, she thought she wanted to be loved as mommie dearest. She thought that she needed family love for her life to be complete. But in fact, she never did. Deep down in her heart, she just wanted to be admired and obeyed. Society may tell you so and so. But sadly, no one can change what his or her own heart truly desires.
费·唐娜薇太棒了。最初知道这电影实在20 things you want to know about gay,其中三四个都模仿了这片里的片段,特别是擦地板。克劳馥才最像真正gay icon,极度追求完美到神经质,为一个铁丝衣服称就发狂。但我挺能理解她的。
充满怨念的电影,把克劳馥拍成傻逼了,Faye Dunaway演得也够2的,当然也很丑...当喜剧片看可以给4星....
看这评分就没报什么期望,不过真是拍的不好。没有配乐显得很干瘪,造型很难看,一股八十年代台湾肥皂剧的样子。尤其是女儿 太丑了很不讨喜。母女感情也莫名其妙。Dunaway演的还不错,可惜剧本太差,也欠客观。本身反映老去好莱坞明星若能拍得像#日落大道#那样华丽而变态该多好!
I don't know what's wrong with all the reviews, I thought the movie was a fucking masterpiece. Potentially the best acting performance that I've ever watched on a movie : Faye Dunaway is driving all the attention towards herself and she's deserving it.
明星不好当 明星的娃也不好当小女孩确实也不懂感恩
单纯作为一个普通电影来看真的不难看。费唐纳薇的表演撑起了大半场,但是仍然看得心累。从Joan Crawford女儿的角度出发,可信性暂且不谈,其深深的怨念感就已经绑架了观众。还好编剧的台词功力赞到爆,加上费唐纳薇的表演,还不是太难看。
克劳馥真实生活中不可能这么夸张,唐娜薇的模仿依据完全是克劳馥在戏里的表现,而且这个造型弄得她颧骨轮廓不是很自然。20180513 @TIFF 多处笑场,尤其被解雇后砍树和压腿简直突变喜剧…… 其实开头拍得很好,只是其余部分格局之小极像电视电影,钢丝衣架桥段真是不能更莫名其妙。
我来系统一下。 最近看了一部叫宿敌的电视剧这么说的 。贝蒂和费一起演戏。 但是费因为什么不知道的原因(坊间传闻是酗酒),迟到了一上午, 让贝蒂等了很长时间。 贝蒂抱怨道 :”至少琼按时到位 ,每次第一个来最后一个走“。 不过这句赞赏并没有传到琼那里 ,因为新闻媒体只希望他们**,琼听到的只是费如何气得贝蒂大动干戈 。为了继续气贝蒂, 琼就说了一些冠冕堂皇的赞扬费的话, 并表示希望以后费可以演自己。 以此来气气自己的老对手 总结:费得到了琼的认可以后戏路更广了然而就在琼驾鹤西游的时候, 利欲熏心却没有得到遗产的大养女克里斯蒂娜出版了一部震惊美国的”自传“,宣称琼虐待自己。同为养女的双胞胎极力抵制这本书,琼的很多朋友也说这本书完全在黑化琼,最后连琼的宿敌——贝蒂·戴维斯也站出来为琼说话即使