Gary Busey plays Buck, a former Vietnam veteran/ex-con recently released from the state prison. He returns to the small Midwest town where he grew up only to discover the place overrun by a large motorcycle gang bent on causing trouble. When the bikers murder his wife and traumatize his young daughter, Busey, with the help from a fellow Vietnam vet, as well as his former cell-mate, a drug kingpin living in Miami, Buck arms himself to the teeth and wages a war against the motorcyclists to destroy them once and for all.
热播电视剧最新电影那年花开月正圆铜月亮武动乾坤黑暗时代之无证妓女来都来了独臂刀王五步七招绿衣女子迷宮眼法网追凶第二季八棺索财华盛顿广场蒲公英夹边沟尸骨工厂变色的水果那年青春我们正好阿罕逃避虽可耻但有用 新春特别篇恐怖列车大冲撞你的好邻居蜘蛛侠第一季宝塔镇河妖之绝世妖龙
还真可以把人给吓死啊 主题歌在洛奇里也有听到
imdb 5.6