Documentary tells the story of Dick Proenneke who, in the late 1960s, built his own cabin in the wilderness at the base of the Aleutian Peninsula, in what is now Lake Clark National Park. Using color footage he shot himself, Proenneke traces how he came to this remote area, selected a homestead site and built his log cabin completely by himself. The documentary covers his first year in-country, showing his day-to-day activities and the passing of the seasons as he sought to scratch out a living alone in the wilderness.
热播电视剧最新电影大明监察御史野兽游戏龙狼血战本草中华谍网恢恢马尔科姆 X忍川之恋纯纯欲动球场情圣埃莱诺即便爱,也有秘密番外篇:我是谁?脑内中毒大作战异星寻爱记敢死七镖客黑鹰使者小心“陷阱”离开A级队伍的我,和从前的弟子往迷宫深处迈进陷阱함정沐浴盐僵尸坏妈妈2023犯罪现场调查:迈阿密 第三季阁楼里的花2014河豚惊涛迷局(原声版)我的美国舅舅霹雳娇娃