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主演:Balthazar Getty,Katharine Towne,Carmen Electra,Jared Leto




  Sol Goode, a charismatic L.A. twenty-something, has always relied on charm, good looks, and fast talk to glide through life. But his luck may have run out; faced with eviction from his hipster apartment, totaling his car, and the threat of having to find a real job, Sol realizes that maybe the life he's been leading is no longer making him happy. Through this self-examination, he finds that being a womanizing hustler is an unfulfilling life and he will truly be happy with his best friend Chloe, who, unfortunately, knows him all too well. The result is a wickedly funny, heart-felt story as Sol tries to win her over.热播电视剧最新电影说唱梦工厂热血街区 第二季空中大灌篮快乐卷起来与我同行,一路相爱连锁反应巴斯克维尔的猎犬夏洛克剧场版蒙冤之战我将喜欢告诉了风夜间女妖黄河谣绝望之路铁路劳工临床爱情教学!鬼哭神嚎7康斯坦丁星星食堂请君20岁的微热白蛇后传吸血鬼家族超时空堡垒那件疯狂的小事叫爱情缉毒警后半生第二季野性的呼唤(2020)零度社团

