

主演:吉拉育·拉翁马尼,阿妮潘·查南普拉纳翁,萍彤·瓦诗娜格,Fon Nalintip Permpattarasakul,桑提苏克·普罗姆斯利,阿卡纳吾·曼格拉苏,James Rusameekae Fagerlund,纳塔帕·宁吉拉瓦,Jab Penpetch Benyakul





  Kaewsai just graduated from Faculty of Communications and started working at a broadcast station owned by Mutthana, who is her father's lover. Her parents got divorced when she was a child and she was raised by her grandparents. Mutthana had only one son, Siwa, who is arrogant and hates Kaewsai's father because he thinks that he stole his mother's love. Siwa came back to Thailand after studying abroad for many years and meets Kaewsai in a party. He's impressed with her strong and smart personality, but starts to hate her after he found out who her dad is.
  Kaewsai has to prove herselft to everyone who thinks she only got work at the station because of her connections, while facing many mean and selfish people. Other executives at the station have a grudge against Siwa's mother so he also has to prove himself when he's cast as the main actor in a lakorn directed by Kaewsai. He starts to fall in love with her unexpectedly, and she also falls for him after they get close.

风雨相思雁23号灯塔 第二季疯狂警探玫瑰梦再造战士2007最完美的离婚王牌特派员无路可逃2004爱欲之神7号房的礼物 (土耳其语)夺命深渊避风港1971危机边缘第二季别人的孩子封魔传汉娜睡狗双面骗子 虚假警察 第一季大宅门甜小姐与冷先生一起火锅吧第三季当男人变成女人(粤语)夜幕降临2023你好,我们是欢喜天团杀死伊芙 第三季逐爱游戏[配音版]与狼共舞2心灵召唤早春二月赌王家族休季2021糖果世界大冒险房屋出租二手狮王绝世医仙精武少年四平青年之街溜子猫样少女天空上三公尺德云社孟鹤堂周九良相声专场北京站奥卡万戈:生命的洪流

