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震震有词2022漫漫向北哗!英雄龙女降妖记美女“如云”双重生活热力四射2热浪最后的警官:夺还黑神驹2020绝对男友大话仙宫神龙车队火星1号跟红顶白大三元扬名立万一根木头 第二季血宴保姆凯萨里逃离夺命岛铁腕行动长跑者的寂寞太行赤子手提箱杀手:梅兰妮·麦奎尔的故事英村脑残故事第一季克朗代克2022一屋高才生初音岛 S.S.警察锅哥2画江湖之不良人6独立日2:卷土重来猎毒者马里乌波尔 - Ⅱ白考尔回忆鲍嘉李后主与赵匡胤真情年代亨利巴塞罗那,冬日星辰圣母院无限斗界之暗夜双龙我不是大明星一亿日元的再见寅次郎的故事10:寅次郎美梦成真拯救小兔少女与战车最终章第4话


 1 ) FIFF6丨DAY10《鸟类学家》无神论者的奇幻森林之旅

















 2 ) 关于片尾,罹患AIDS的歌手,成双与孤独,and a kind of #Afterlife Happy Ending


O Ornitólogo – An Interview with João Pedro Rodrigues – August 11, 2016byJeremy Elphick|Locarno Film Festival

Q: There was clearly a lot of sexual undertones and overtones throughout the film, but I felt like there were a lot of allusions to a more politicalpart of that sexuality identity. I’m not sure if I read too much into the part of the story where he has to take these pills to stay well, but yeah, I felt it was referencing AIDS treatments, and with the song at the end, I wasn’t too clear on it but the closing song is a piece that emerged from a certain context.

A: Not really the song, but what it has … The guy who made that song was a pop singer from the 80s in Portugal, and he was also a hairdresser. He was a very flamboyant guy, very weird guy but really great. He was one of the first, I don’t know, cases in Portugal that you knew that he died with AIDS. The song talks about loneliness, basically. It’s called … what is it called in English? Something like the cruising song? It’s about people meeting and not knowing each other being alone and not wanting to be alone.

Q: Did thesemore like political kind of histories fed into how you wrote any part of the work at all or if that was just a coincidence thing that—

A: No, it wasn’t a coincidence because for me, it was … it was also connected with my personal life because he was an important singer for me and when I was growing up. I think these things, they keep up coming and when I thought about the scene and when I shot it, I really felt that song was the ideal song for … in the film, in the end, there’s this happy ending but it’s like an afterlife happy ending, because they die and resurrect several times throughout the film. You don’t really know if it’s real life or not but the song, at the same time, is about being together but being together but being, at the same time, alone. I think in relationships, there’s always that contradiction of … I don’t know. Perhaps I feel it like that, like in homosexual relationships, there’s the fact that you’re with a man and it’s like same gender. We’re looking for something that is the same but at the same time, it’s like you’re looking for an image of your own self. I don’t know. Perhaps it’s also me and perhaps it’s also my age, and so that I … how can I put this? There’s a tone that the song gives that, for me, it’s very truthful to being together and wanting, at the same time, to be alone. I don’t know. I think there’s always this contradiction when you’re together. I thought that it was a really perfect and beautiful way to end the film. I think I gathered everything I’d seen in the competition so far. It was the ending that I was watching and I just like, “This makes complete sense. It’s the way the finish this film,” and it was just such a interesting mixture of feelings to watch it. Because the end went very fast.

 3 ) 「Quotes」


「You fish, my brothers, how did you end up here? During the Great Flood, when all other animals perished, you were unharmed and survived like no other creature. With your fins and the strength to go freely wherever you want, how did you end up in these dark waters? Why don't you go looking for clearer and purer waters, so you can see the paths you shall take and the food you shall eat?」

「There are certain things we shouldn't try to understand. They come to pass and we must believe in them. The fire of the Spirit is a mystery we will never understand, but we must let it burn freely within us. When It takes hold of a soul, It fills it with Itself. And transforms it into the flame that will be passed on to others.」

「Look at my fingers. I am no longer the man I used to be. I came here to right this wrong.」

【♫Antonio Variacoes - Cancao Do Engate♫】

 4 ) 沃伦斯基姐妹是LGBT群体的形象代言人(超感猎杀),那本片从实质上(更重要)做出了更大贡献。

#鸟类学家# 7分,这就是我们说的“神片”,脑洞开得很大,很伊比利亚。一个观鸟人被中国女同救活又遭捆绑(大段背诵圣经的华人女性形象还是在饮食男女里,这片里虔诚的女同基督徒更加走火入魔了),逃出来以后经历了一场原始人祭祀后,又路遇男同牧羊人,搞了一场基后又失手杀死了牧羊人(为了药:男人为了生命杀了爱情,爱情诚可贵,生命价更高。男主角受困于这个迷宫般的区域,本来牧羊人是其唯一希望),接下来走进一个废弃的修道院、走进标本森林---继续赎罪。最后又遭遇赤身裸体的三个女猎人(复仇三女神)朝肚子打了一枪,算是完成了赎罪的一半。结局还是落在了牧羊人身上,达成和解后,和牧羊人回归正常,这时候再遇那对中国女同性恋----这时其实不再晦涩,谜底也揭开了:虔诚的女同性恋一开始说观鸟人有罪是不虚的,这时他才找到了自己的路,和牧羊人手拉手走了。如果之前说沃伦斯基姐妹是LGBT群体的形象代言人(超感猎杀),那本片从实质上(更重要)做出了更大贡献。结尾出色,这种也是下了一盘大旗的套路 【分数范围5-7分】

 5 ) [Last Film I Watched] The Ornithologist (2016)

English Title: The Ornithologist
Original Title: O Ornitólogo
Year: 2016
Country: Portugal, France, Brazil
Language: Portuguese, English, Mandarin
Genre: Drama
Director/Writer: João Pedro Rodrigues
Cinematography: Rui Poças
Paul Hamy
Xelo Cagiao
Han Wen
Chan Suan
João Pedro Rodrigues
Juliane Elting
Rating: 6.5/10

A staunch queer cinema visionary and nonconformist, Portuguese filmmaker João Pedro Rodrigues’ fifth feature beguilingly takes a leap of faith onto a religious theme, a pilgrimage to Saint Anthony of Padua, conspicuously transcribing its story into the existential trials and tribulations of our titular ornithologist Fernando (Hamy), which is also St. Anthony’s birth name, stranded in a modern-day Portuguese waterway and forests.

Fernando, an atheist from the word go, embarks on his stork-scouting journey with gusto and alacrity, and the implication that it is not his first sortie in the area makes his adventure quite up his alley. Few background information is purveyed, other than he is under medication and has a male lover who is caring for him. Contrasting Fernando’s bird-watching/telescopic angle with different bird’s-eye views, it is the modus operandi brings home a numinous frisson of watching and simultaneously being watched, literally sublimates the nature’s gaze with a plethora of wild feathered friends hovering around incessantly through the film. When Fernando’s kayak is upset during the rapids, the story starts to take shape into a multi-layered religious mythology through Fernando’s various real/surreal encounters, garnished with sexual innuendos (undressed and tied-up by two young Chinese female God-bothers, a sadomasochistic position enticing one’s fantasy; the urolagnia experience in the darkness among a contingent of masqueraded roarers), and an in-the-buff dalliance with a deaf-mute shepherd boy named Jesus (Cagiao), which ends in manslaughter, a startling incident but concocted with blasé wantonness.

Conceivably, when one liquidates Jesus, there is nothing but a road to redemption beckons him, Fernando must carry on his mythical transmogrification into a pious St. Antony by dint of his self-inflicted ritual for absolution (that is where symbolic tunnel, tableaux vivants and inscrutable gestures abound), consummated by being dispatched by the alter ego of Jesus, an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, if credits must be given to Rodrigues’ wheeze of contemplating a grand mythos within an entrancing temporal sphere, his didactic exegesis is less a merit to be reckoned with.

Leading actor Paul Hamy credibly shoulders on a role which requires boldness and physical exertion, instils his open-faced earthiness into the overlaying mystique and alone-in-the-woods background, which successfully retains Fernando in the cynosure, even when narrative longueur inevitably lurks. Tellingly, the film renders a captivating landscape to those eyes yearning for natural’s majestic design, whether it is the picturesque on the surface or the uncanny residing in the deep, also the foley artists (Nuno Carvalho and Martin Delzescaux) ply their own distinctive aural intrusion to that latter effect: eerie, preternatural and strident. In the end of the day, THE ORNITHOLOGIST is another contrived fable trying to mythicize religion in order to elicit a sense of meta-sanctity of our own existence, but the fruition thuddingly slumps between artsy-fartsy and nonplussing, on top of that, where are the storks, anyway?

suggested companion piece: Alain Guiraudie’s STRANGER BY THE LAKE (2013) 8.4/10.

 6 ) 迷恋“变异”的葡萄牙导演





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东京电影节的热门影片「Ornithologist」,影片怎说先不提,散场以后导演 João Pedro Rodrigues 来做Q&A。有一个日本观众说「可能因为是我是日本人的原因,看到您电影里面的同性场面我都震惊了,请问您借此想表达什么?」导演说「这...那...」

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4 又一部“野味同志片”,不过跟《保持站立》相同的,导演私人口味之外更多的是对“形而上”的讨论,而且这部要更飞,主人公在与鸟类一个个对称视角切换中一步步由无神论的观察者变成了掌握命运的神。男性身体美的欲盖弥彰,全部闪耀在了臀部细毛中夹杂着的沙粒,与清晨鸟叫中洁白遮羞布下的傲然挺立。

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