






完美星球 剧照 NO.1完美星球 剧照 NO.2完美星球 剧照 NO.3完美星球 剧照 NO.4完美星球 剧照 NO.5完美星球 剧照 NO.6完美星球 剧照 NO.13完美星球 剧照 NO.14完美星球 剧照 NO.15完美星球 剧照 NO.16完美星球 剧照 NO.17完美星球 剧照 NO.18完美星球 剧照 NO.19完美星球 剧照 NO.20



  《完美星球》是一部与地球科学巧妙结合的蓝筹自然历史纪录片,它揭示了我们所生存的这颗星球的运转规则。 这部纪录片共分为五集,展示了自然力量如何推动、塑造和维持地球生物的多样性,前四集分别探索了火山、 阳光、天气和海洋的力量,最后一集则着眼于新兴的自然力量:人类,揭示了人类对地球造成的巨大影响以及如何恢复地球完美的生态平衡。

疗养院伴我闯天涯(粤语)温彻斯特天路情缘那家伙缴枪不杀 天竺山传奇津轻民谣超级少女 第五季义胆雄心粤语重案组第三季功夫厨神梅森探案集 第一季美国重案第二季松露猎人命运航班第一季丁丁历险记艾利之书选举大战活着2023第二次机会:体操学院天使的收音机蔚蓝深海幸福59厘米之北京门票不需要爱情长安三怪探圣诞夜惊魂泪的小花陈真传奇喜羊羊与灰太狼之开心方程式怪兽娘~奥特怪兽拟人化计划~ 第二季惊爆银河系女王的法医学~尸活师~2饭情2019彷徨之刃电视剧版欢乐喜剧人 第六季大路上宫廷画师郎世宁高校最后的军事教练追踪者第二季非法交易潜水钟与蝴蝶亲爱的·客栈第一季



VOLCANO:*Create and fertilise the land.

The first carbon dioxide in the Earth's atmosphere was brought by volcanoes from deep in the Earth's crust,today humanity itself has become a new kind of supervolcano,now every year we ourselves release 100 times more carbon than all the Earth's volcanoes combined,we cant control volcanoes,but we can limit the amount of carbon dioxide that we produce ,and if we do that there will still be time to restore the ecological balance that once made this Earth our perfect planet.

SUN:*Deliver energy to Earth's surface.

WEATHER:*Predicable patterns of rainfall.

OCEAN:*Ocean currents carry nutrients around the globe.

Today,agricultural pollution flowing from the land is beginning to suffocate this sea. Many fish now stay closer to the surface,where the water still contain enough oxygen to survive. Eden's whales depend on these fish. ...and with so few fish,the rewards from feeding like this are barely worth it. All across the planet,animals are having to adapt to a changing world,but the speed of these changes will be too fast for many. If we could only halt our unrestrained plunder of the ocean,its habitats and species would recover,and at a time when our over-exploited lands are already failing us,this has never been more important for humanity.

HUMAN:*Together those forces have helped shape our living planet,but its a fragile system.

Right now,we have the capacity and knowledge to stop the damage we are doing. But what we don't have…is time. But we all have a responsibility to reduce our carbon footprint,harness the forces of nature for our energy and protect the natural world. The survival of humanity and our fellow creatures on Earth depends upon it.

 2 ) Some astonishing moments, personally

The volcano 🌋

Our planet depends on minerals brought up by volcanoes from the earth’s molten core.The lands surrounding volcanoes are among the world’s most fertile.

Volcanoes release carbon dioxide,foundation of life(plants absorb)and its presence in atmosphere has suited life perfectly. Its greenhouse properties have kept our planet’s climate stable and warm.(humans release 100 times more CO2 than all combined)

The vampire finches have become one of the world’s newest species.

A ring-shaped island of coral rock surrounding a lagoon is an atoll.

The sun 🌞

Tiny fig wasp burrows into the undeveloped fig , lays hundreds of eggs within internal flower and unpacks fig pollen then fertilizers the tiny flowers finally dies when finishing laying and fertilizing.

The first to emerge are the golden wingless male wasps ,which then start to mate with their un-hatched sisters. While their now-pregnant sisters are beginning to hatch, the males themselves burrow their way to the outside world. The brothers final act is a chivalrous one that they sacrifice themselves to marauding ants as decoys. The young females loaded with pollen live for just forty-eight hours and then need to do the same as their mothers did.

Wood frog’s(cryogenic) frozen blood is melting and begins to flow through its veins. As its heart begins to beat again. Twelve hours later, it totally thaws and comes back to life as if by magic.(defrosting ability)

self-criticism/perfectionist/trigger dreams

Weather 🌪️

The river becomes a magnet for visitors.

A rain frog in a place that gets just 7 centimeters of rain a year eat a termite with 75% water.

Even in the most hostile of places, weather still provides just enough for survival of camels in Gobi desert.

The red crabs on the Christmas Island that cannot swim for lives and reproduction entirely reliant on the return of the monsoon.

Oceans 🌊

Where there are currents, there is life.

The currents sweep scales back up into the sunlit surface waters where it nourishes clouds of phytoplankton: simple microscopic plants that are the pasture of the seas. There are thousands of different kinds and together they produce half of all the oxygen in the atmosphere, more than all our forests and jungles combined. And by absorbing carbon, they are our greatest ally in combating climate change. Plankton are the foundation of almost all life in the ocean for those places where the currents bring nutrients to the surface, they multiply in astonishing numbers, turning the ocean green.

Male Flamboyant cuttlefish’s partner is a giant by comparison four times his size.

With the ingenious new technique, Eden’s whales have found a way to survive the pressures they now face.


Humanity is now acting like a super-volcano.

For every one degree that the temperature goes up on this planet because of CO2 emissions, the atmosphere is sucking up 7% more water. So we’re getting more concentrated precipitation in the clouds and more radical, extreme, unpredictable, out of control weather events. More fires, more droughts, more floods.

It’s enabled them to collect over 200 of the most important tree species from across the Amazon. By mixing the seeds together, it allows them to create a super recipe known as a muvuca. In this mixture, there is enough tree variety to jump-start a new jungle. After 6 years, they will have restored an area of forest the size of 30000 football fields.

Phytoplankton are at the base of the food chain on the top of which everything else survives. However, since the start of the industrial revolution, the oceans have absorbed almost half of all our CO2 emissions, which has come at a cost. When water absorbs carbon dioxide, it becomes more acidic. Our increasingly warm, acidic waters are not only destroying coral reefs, but decimating some phytoplankton, the amount of which has fallen by as much as 40% in recent years.

 3 ) 一部了不起的纪录片,但……









 4 ) 《完美星球》是一部人人应看的纪录片

阳光,海洋,雨林,火山每一种都是我们地球生态不可或缺的组成。构成了这颗“完美星球”。 我们地球上所有的生命都来自太阳的热量。 海洋和雨林能吸收我们产生的二氧化碳,我们呼吸的空气,70%都是来自海洋。对于天气变化也发挥着重要的作用。 火山的喷发物随着风送至世界各地为陆地提供了有营养的物质。她们相互制约,有一种微妙的平衡。才有了稳定的气候。而工业时代正在破坏这种平衡。 生物存在的美好不仅是因为它们有趣又可爱,更在于我们的生态系统需要它们。它们更像是生态系统的工人和园丁。气候变暖和砍伐森林最先收到伤害的就是这些园丁。南非草原上近些年变得越来越干旱,越来越多的动物因缺水而濒临灭绝,而生物的灭绝又会像多诺米骨牌一样,一旦倒下就会有更多的生物一个接一个倒下。 结尾的措施让我们看到了希望,但这种希望的力量十分渺小。 我怀疑那些森林和海洋的修复速度赶得上我们破坏的速度吗? 毕竟我们还这样无知地活着。我们大多数人还意识不到这种处境,我们也没有采取任何措施来挽救。我们只是一味无知地破坏,贪婪地汲取。 我对我所在的环境感到悲观。 最后我们将为此付出代价,更加极端的气候变化,越来越难以预测。气候变暖将使我们的地球变得不在那么宜居。现在,气温每年上升一摄氏度,极地正以前所未有的速度融化,其融化的水将流入大洋,破换洋流循环,使天气变换莫测。失去极地,将使海平面上升。地球无法通过极地将多余的来自太阳热量折射回太空。会使地球变得更热,将吸收更多来自太阳的热量,预计到2050年,南极北极将不再结冰。 那是真正的世界末日。

 5 ) 故事水平年年高

大卫艾登堡的自然纪录片讲故事水平年年高呀。或许是《王朝》的影响?感觉近年的自然纪录片讲故事的水平明显高了许多,挑选一个物种,然后把视角集中在一个个体上,让观众更容易代入和共情。美丽的画面和优秀的背景音乐也极大地强化了这一点。 先讲一个故事,然后再不经意间加一句“他们因为人类的活动快要灭绝了”,颇有图穷匕见的感觉,也确实让信息更具冲击力了。 不过最后一集感觉还是不太对劲,数据都比较模糊,还轻描淡写地反核能了,且发达国家的出力都感觉明显不太够。面对西方的资本主义世界,或许把这类东西讲成一个生意会更有说服力吧,他们或许可以参考一下比尔盖茨的叙事。

 6 ) 算是笔记

完美星球 1.火山 小红鹳 非洲秃鹳 陆鬣蜥 吸血地雀 长嘴蓝脸鲣鸟 阿尔达布拉象龟 美国黄石国家公园 65万年前 间歇泉 地下供暖系统 北美水獭 捕鱼 郊狼 偷鱼获 堪察加半岛 薄弱地带 间歇泉 熊 库页湖 鲑鱼 东非大裂谷 萨伦盖蒂大草原 角马 掠食动物群 二氧化碳 气垫船 腐蚀性沼泽 2.阳光 长臂猿 东南亚 聚果榕 榕小蜂 埃尔斯米尔岛 麝牛 北极狼 北极兔 木蛙 冬天完全冻住,心脏停跳血液冰冻 束带蛇 加拿大最北部 两万 北极狐 雪雁 撒哈拉 烈日生存专家 撒哈拉银蚁 速度最快 反射光线 中国 川金丝猴 新西兰斯奈尔斯群岛 集体过冬 灰鹱 穿越太平洋 阿拉斯加阿留申群岛 磷虾 座头鲸 3.天气 赞比亚 草色果蝠 吃果实 亚马逊雨林 火蚁 活体救生筏 水黾 亚马逊地区 巨型侧颈龟 产卵 南非 大足短头蛙 白蚁 蒙古戈壁沙漠 最干燥最极端 野生双峰驼 季风 圣诞岛 圣诞岛红蟹 赞比西河 维多利亚瀑布 尼罗鳄 洋红蜂虎 非洲海雕 4.海洋 海豚 鲣鸟 鲭鱼 鲨鱼 加拉帕克斯群岛 海鬣蜥 唯一一种能在大海里觅食的蜥蜴 鸬鹚 海狮 火焰乌贼 挪威 欧绒鸭 完全依赖海洋,激流中生活 贻贝 花园鳗 连鳍唇鱼 宽吻海豚 红树林 唯一咸水生长 魟鱼 柠檬鲨 蝠鲼 刺尾鱼 澳大利亚蜥蜴岛 硬头鱼 鲹鱼 乌翅真鲨 跳岩企鹅 泰国湾 布氏鲸 5.人类 撒哈拉 防护林带 亚马孙 73000万棵树的新丛林 木乌卡 海洋吸收大量二氧化碳酸度增加,甲壳动物碳酸钙 过度捕捞,碳储量减少 加蓬海岸,海洋保护区网络,海豚,鲸,鲨鱼,50000万平方公里海洋公园



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BBC的顶级自然纪录片拍摄团队时常能把大自然的鬼斧神工转变成唯美壮丽的诗意画卷影像。& 2021年观看的第一部2021年发行的影视作品。—— 2021.01.07-2|3-2021.02.03 —— 看《人类》一集:为什么我的眼里常含泪水?因为我对这星球爱得深沉……?不,不仅如此,还有因为看到人类对生态环境的破坏以及直接或间接对动物们造成伤害的画面让我心痛,但更多的还是感动于那些想方设法努力改善环境、种植树木绿化土地、悉心保护照顾动物的人类的所作所为……虽说「保护地球,人人有责!」,可这世界总有些冷漠无知的人对此并不太关心在意,所以更希望有更多的国家政府机关部门能意识到保护生态环境的重要性,然后带动各国各地人民从小事做起,保护动物、爱护环境、改善生态,共同维护好我们目前唯一的「星球家园」。

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Every frame is extraordinary!【CCTV-9】

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介绍了创造和维系这个世界的几种力量:火山、阳光、天气、海洋,和最大的一股黑化势力:人类,以及其中一小撮唱反调的顽固分子,在救助大象,播种森林,解救鲨鱼,医治海龟 ...... 九十多岁的爵士一只眼睛已经睁不太开,还在一遍一遍地忠告,叮嘱,呼吁,在最近几部片里都是

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Every shot is an extraordinary piece of art; our planet is the most phenomenal masterpiece. It’s astonishing how the bio-diversities used to thrive in their own uniquely harmonious ways until we destroy them one by one. Humans are such assholes.

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