




利勒哈默尔第三季 剧照 NO.1利勒哈默尔第三季 剧照 NO.2利勒哈默尔第三季 剧照 NO.3



  Frank Tagliano ('Steven Van Zandt' ), is mingtian6.com a former New York mobster, who after testifying in a trial in the United States, Tagliano joins the witness protection program. Intrigued by the place after watching the Winter Olympics in 1994, he is relocated to Lillehammer in Norway. The transition from being a feared and respected gangster in New York, to becoming an unemployed immigrant in Norway, is not simple. Frank soon discovers that in order to succeed in this rural Norwegian society, he must resort to his old ways.

成为岛主的男人大怪兽巴朗奇迹泽尼亚亚瑟人狼游戏 死亡游戏的运营人超级明星2007退伍也是兵单身爸爸恋爱中精灵宝可梦:去往超克的时空再会!方舟盛宴在中国他们吃狗吉野理发之家灭亡心动1999粤语我是王极幻世界喜剧英雄狂飙支队请把生命交给我阴阳路之我在你左右潘多拉第一季绝地枪王2单行桥第三季大冒险家八仙桌战士 第二季星空血杀连环雪人2017人狼恶重回末世当大佬 第1季·动态漫宝贝赳赳第五季幻影战士死亡地带第三季过量修车铺进击吧,少女!地下城与勇士 逆转之轮 普通话版深度催眠时尚CEO的破格人生第二季哥特萝莉侦探事件簿GOSICK谣言

